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Breast Augmentation Risks and Considerations

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan


Breast augmentation risks and complications

Numerous women aspire to undergo breast augmentation in Portland to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Perhaps you’ve already delved into researching the various types of implants, sizes, and incision options. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks involved.

Although many women are delighted with the outcomes of breast surgery, it’s important to acknowledge that like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries inherent risks. In the following section, we will delve into these risks and provide essential considerations to ponder before making a decision about breast augmentation.

What To Consider Before Breast Augmentation

Before you have any surgical procedure, it’s wise to consider all of the breast augmentation possibilities because the outcome could affect you for life. Most women who have breast augmentation have breast implants, so please think about these factors:

  • Most breast implants – whether silicone or saline – don’t last forever. You may need revision surgery after 10, 15, or 20 years to replace or remove your implants. If you want them removed later, you could need a breast lift to get them back to how they looked before.
  • Implant rupture, while rare, happens. It’s not a significant health risk, but if it occurs, you’ll need immediate revision surgery to regain a normal appearance.
  • If your breast implants have silicone in them, the FDA suggests getting an MRI every 24 months, beginning three years after breast augmentation.
  • Saline and silicone breast implants make it more challenging to perform breast screening examinations and mammograms. You may need specialized tests to check your breasts for tumors.

More specific information about risks of breast augmentation is below.

Also See How to Sleep After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Implant Rupture

Many women don’t think about it, but most breast implants won’t last the rest of their lives. All breast implants have an expected lifespan. A few implants may rupture, too. As noted earlier, breast implant removal after rupture isn’t hazardous, but it’s inconvenient because you’ll need revision surgery.

Most silicone breast implants contain a silicone gel within, but they won’t leak into the body if there’s a rupture. If the implant does break, it will probably remain in the capsule or pocket. Silicone is generally regarded as harmless and shouldn’t cause adverse reactions.

If you choose saline implants, your body will absorb the solution without consequences.

In either case, you’ll need another plastic surgery to remove the old implant and replace it.

Most implants last 10 or 15 years, but some can last a lifetime.


A seroma occurs when breast tissue in the area where the surgery that was done begins to swell because of accumulating fluid. Seromas can develop right after surgery or in a few weeks. Usually, your surgeon will correct the problem by draining the accumulated fluid.

Most medical professionals drain seromas because they can lead to infection.

Hypertrophic Scarring

A few breast augmentation patients can develop severe scarring. It happens in about 5% of all breast augmentation patients. The scar is dark red, thick, and above the skin. If this happens to you, you might need revision surgery or other procedures to reduce the scar’s appearance.


Another risk of breast augmentation surgery is a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or Breast cancer that can grow in the scar tissue and fluid around your breast implants. This is a sometimes deadly side effect that relates to textured breast implants, saline and silicone implants.

It’s unclear what causes the cancer, but some surgeons hypothesize that the rougher implant surface can increase the risk. That’s why textured implants have fallen out of favor in recent years.

However, there are some patients worldwide who had smooth implants removed and got BZIA-ALCL.

Capsular Contracture

This complication is an unusual tightening of the scar tissue around your implant. Some scar tissue formation after implant removal is normal, but if the scar capsule tightens, it can make the implant feel stiff, sore, and look misshapen.

This is rare, but it’s the most frequent complication of a breast reconstruction or enhancement surgery. It’s not dangerous, but breast revision surgery is almost always needed.

It’s unknown why capsular contraction happens, but there are probably several factors involved. Some clinical data suggests that it happens more often after revision surgery. Also, it tends to occur in patients who had implants placed above the muscle instead of below it.

Revision Surgery

You could eventually need more surgery to have your breast implants taken out or replaced. Revision surgery carries risk, too, including capsular contracture and anesthesia complications.

However, most women don’t have severe complications if they don’t have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or obesity.

Before you have revision surgery, it’s critical to listen to your surgeon’s instructions. He will likely tell you to avoid smoking, drinking, and taking certain medications.

Breast implant illness

Breast Implant Illness (BII)

Breast implant illness is a condition that some women claim they have after breast implants. It’s not an official disorder, but some people believe there can be autoimmune problems after breast implant surgery.

If you have any history of autoimmune problems in your family, talk to your surgeon.

Have you been thinking of having a procedure to make your chest look bigger and more attractive? Dr. Aric Aghayan is proud to serve Portland area patients at his practice, Après Plastic Surgery. He will meet with you for your Portland breast augmentation surgery today. He’ll go over the options, your goals, and more to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Questions and Answers

Is breast augmentation a high risk surgery?

Potential risks of breast augmentation surgery may involve anesthesia-related complications, the development of rare cancers like Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), and other uncommon conditions in the capsule surrounding around the implant and breast, such as Breast Implant-Associated Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BIA-SCC). Additionally, there is a risk of bleeding during the procedure.

What are the dangers of breast implants?

Additional surgeries.

  • Breast implant associated-anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which is a cancer of the immune system.
  • Systemic symptoms, commonly referred to as Breast Implant Illness (BII)
  • Capsular contracture (scar tissue that squeezes the implant)
  • Breast pain.

What are the chances of complications from breast implants?

Among breast implant patients, at least 1 percent experience certain complications at any given time. Correcting some of these issues may necessitate medical intervention or additional surgical procedures. These complications include asymmetry in terms of breast shape, or breast size itself, or positioning and the presence of pain in the nipple or breast area.

Contact us Today

Interested in Breast augmentation but have questions about possible risks and complications? Contact Dr. Aghayan at Apres Plastic Surgery to have  your questions answered and schedule your consultation!


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Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.

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