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What Liposuction Areas Can Be Treated On The Body?

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Liposuction Areas

Liposuction is surgical contouring that can reshape the way you look. If you have tried healthy lifestyle choices and regular exercise but still struggle with stubborn pockets of unwanted fat, liposuction could be the answer. Liposuction, also referred to as lipo, is a body contouring procedure that can put the finishing touches on your physique, so you can have the body you always wanted.

The experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons at Après Plastic Surgery Portland, OR offer this body contouring solution to their patients. They feature the added bonus of being the only practice in the area that offers “awake” liposuction performed under general anesthesia. Liposuction is a versatile cosmetic tool that can be applied to several different areas of the body to reshape the way patients look. Patients can get a tighter appearance in their chin, neck, arms, stomach, thighs, and hips to name a few. If you live in the Portland area, here is a more in-depth look from Après Plastic Surgery on what body parts liposuction can treat and how you can benefit from this body contouring procedure.

Body contouring surgery with liposuction Procedure

Both women and men can achieve long-lasting cosmetic results with this popular minimally invasive procedure, but must realize it is not a weight loss solution. While liposuction is not an alternative to moving the numbers on the scale, it can eliminate pockets of fat for a slimmer, more fit profile.

The ideal liposuction candidates  are individuals who are close to their ideal weight who maintain a healthy lifestyle on a regular basis. Liposuction can help patients who need a little assistance to redefine or reshape certain areas where stubborn fat as settled. Men and women seeking a slimmer, smoother body can achieve their ultimate goals with liposuction surgery.

What are the major areas of liposuction?

Liposuction body parts

Liposuction is a body contouring surgery that can eliminate excess fat by using a cannula device inserted beneath the loose skin through small incisions. The cannula tool works to loosen up fatty tissue in target areas to then be suctioned out. The desired amount of fat removed will be determined by one of our board-certified plastic surgeons for optimal body contouring results. The procedure varies in terms of duration for each patient and the number of target areas being treated.

Après Plastic Surgery & Med Spa can assist patients with liposuction body contouring in the following areas:

Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction can eliminate neck fat on and around the neck to reduce the appearance of a double chin. It can create a more defined jawline while giving both women and men a slimmer profile. A larger target area with lipo can also address a “buffalo” hump, which is extra fat on the back of the neck and upper shoulders. Liposuction, in most cases, can remove this excess fat to lessen the appearance of the hump (common for women with the natural process of aging) and even prevent it from expanding.

Upper Arms Excess Fat

Liposuction that can address excess fat in the upper arms also known as “bat wings.” It is an effective way to remove stubborn pockets of fat that gives individuals flabby arms after all other efforts of diet and exercise have been exhausted.

Lipo will not address loose or sagging excess skin once the fat is removed, therefore an additional procedure such as an arm lift may be necessary and will be determined by one of our surgical experts at Après Plastic Surgery.


Liposuction can help both men and women in the chest area. Breast liposuction is common for women with larger breasts undergoing a breast reduction. A liposuction procedure can give women the appearance of younger-looking, shapely breasts by reducing fat. Breast liposuction can be added onto a breast reduction, breast augmentation, or breast lift procedure to give women optimal results.

Male patients can also get liposuction surgery to help with a condition called gynecomastia. A condition that can be caused by a hormone imbalance, obesity, steroid use, or certain medications where men experience an enlargement in their chest that mimics female breasts.

Chest Liposuction surgery can remove excess fatty tissue in the breasts to restore a more masculine appearance for male patients.


Fatty pockets in the abdomen are typically difficult to be eliminated with regular exercise and diet. A belly “pooch” in the lower belly or more extensive fat removal help in the stomach area can be achieved with liposuction.

The skilled, experienced liposuction surgeon at Après Plastic Surgery can reshape and smooth out a patient’s midsection to create the right proportions for a more attractive silhouette. Lipo will not address loose or sagging excess skin once the fat is removed, therefore an additional procedure such as a tummy tuck may be necessary and will be determined by one of our surgical experts at Après Plastic Surgery.

Inner and outer thighs

This type of liposuction removes the excess fat from your inner and outer thighs. This cosmetic procedure is usually the last step of a weight loss journey as it helps remove fat that otherwise has not disappeared from lifestyle changes.

Love Handles

Another common area where excess fat can settle due to age, weight gain, pregnancy, or changes in hormones. The flanks or “love handles” are located on either side of the lower back and abdomen area. It can be one of the most difficult areas to transform with diet and exercise. Liposuction can break up this unwanted fat to create a more contoured, slim appearance.

Liposuction is an extremely versatile cosmetic tool that can tackle the stubborn fat in the thighs, hips, upper back, and above the knees to name a few additional target areas. Liposuction is a safe and effective way cosmetic tool for patients in the Portland area with the right surgical care.

Surgical contouring with the right plastic surgeon

Both men and women can have a successful liposuction procedure with an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon like the ones at Après Plastic Surgery Portland, OR. Our board-certified surgeon is a specialists in body contouring procedures. They are also the only surgical practice in the Portland area that offers “awake” liposuction surgery, which is a cutting-edge technique to reduce the liposuction recovery time for patients.

While still a surgical procedure, a local anesthetic is utilized to keep patients comfortable without the need for a general anesthetic. This reduces the downtime a patient experiences after the body contouring procedure allowing for the recovery to begin sooner rather than later.

Questions and Answers

What body part is most painful to lipo?

Liposuction on the hip, flank, and back regions may entail heightened discomfort for certain individuals, given the treatment area and the healing process involved.

What is the pain scale for liposuction?

Typically, liposuction pain ranks at 3 to 6 on a 10-point scale for the average patient, akin to the sensation of exercising dormant muscles. In essence, post-surgery discomfort is minimal, typically subsiding within a week, allowing a swift return to regular activities.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in a liposuction procedure and live in Portland area, then we invite you to schedule a plastic surgery procedures consultation with our board certified plastic surgeon at Après Plastic Surgery.

Our board certified plastic surgeon can rejuvenate how you look and enhance your body so you can enjoy a younger-looking, more fit and smoother appearance.

Embrace Your Evolution

Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.

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