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Double Chin Removal: What You Need to Know

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Double Chin Removal Cost

When most people talk about excess body fat, they’re referencing fat that’s stored in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or arms. But for many of us, excess fat in the chin area is the real problem.

Moreover, having a “double chin” can be especially frustrating because it’s nearly impossible to spot treat. While diet and exercise can often reduce abdominal area fat and slim the body overall, chin and neck fat usually won’t budge.

This is because neck and chin fat is often a result of a genetic predisposition. And even when it’s not, sometimes diet and exercise won’t help.

So, what can you do?

If you’re tired of having a double chin and are ready to take the necessary steps to get rid of it, chin liposuction, also known as double chin removal could be for you.

What Is Double Chin Removal?

Double chin removal surgery, also known as submental liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure designed to eliminate excess fat deposits beneath the chin and along the jawline.

This minimally invasive surgery involves the removal of unwanted fat cells via liposuction. Only a few small incisions are required, and the recovery time is minimal, especially when compared to something like a neck lift.

The benefits of double chin removal are not merely aesthetic either. With a more defined jawline, you’ll gain improved confidence and a rejuvenated sense of self.

Important Things to Know About Chin Liposuction

1. You must qualify as a candidate.

The ideal liposuction candidate for double chin surgery is an individual who is in good overall health and at a stable body weight. Your goal should be to reduce stubborn double chin fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise. Good candidates are non-smokers with realistic expectations concerning plastic surgery outcomes.

2. It’s minimally invasive.

While double chin removal surgery is a serious procedure, and anesthesia will be required, it’s also a minimally invasive surgery. This means that only small incisions are needed, and you won’t have much (if any) noticeable scarring once healed.

3. Your recovery shouldn’t last long.

Recovery from chin liposuction is relatively quick and pain-free. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few days, with minimal discomfort.

4. Results can look totally natural.

Chin liposuction offers natural-looking results by targeting and removing excess fat while preserving the surrounding tissues. In nearly all cases, no one will ever know you’ve had fat removed from your chin area.

5. Your treatment will be catered to you.

Each patient’s chin and neck area is unique, and as such, chin and neck liposuction must be unique. Your surgeon will cater your treatment to you, addressing your specific concerns and helping you achieve the results and outcome you’re after.

For this reason, especially, it is important to be open and honest with your surgeon when discussing your goals at your consultation appointment.

6. Results are long-lasting.

As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle (eat a healthy diet, exercise, and avoid weight gain), the results of chin liposuction should be permanent (except for the natural effects of aging). Aim to stay within a healthy weight range. If you lose weight or gain a lot of weight, this could affect your results.

7. Scars should not be noticeable once healed.

Your surgeon will do all they can to ensure that incisions are placed in the most discreet locations when performing chin lipo. Most patients require one central incision directly below the chin. Sometimes, an additional incision may be necessary behind each ear. Rest assured, that these are very small incisions, and they should heal flat and fade in well with your surrounding skin.

8. You’ll get a boost in self-confidence.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of double chin removal is the boost in self-confidence you’ll get after surgery. Having a double chin can be particularly frustrating when it’s nearly impossible to get rid of without surgery.

Fortunately, the surgery required is minimal and highly effective. Patients often report feeling more comfortable and satisfied with their appearance after their chin lipo procedure.

FAQ: Double Chin Liposuction

How much does double chin removal cost?

Double Chin Removal Non Surgical

Plastic surgery is difficult to make cost estimates for because every procedure, every patient, and every situation is unique. Moreover, different plastic surgeons will charge different prices for their services, and price ranges even vary based on geographical location.

To get an accurate chin lipo cost estimate, call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Aric Aghayan.

Is double chin removal non surgical?

While there are double chin removal options that are non surgical, most of them require upkeep. That is, you must get the procedure performed (usually injections) every so often in order to maintain your results. With double chin removal liposuction, the effects are long-lasting and, most of the time, essentially permanent.

Is a neck lift the same as chin liposuction?

No, neck lifts primarily tighten neck muscles and/or remove excess neck skin for a smoother neck and jawline contour. Excess skin on the neck can be caused by aging, losing weight, or genetics.

If you have saggy skin (loose skin) beneath your neck, you may be interested in a neck lift. On the other hand, if you want to get rid of a double chin caused by excess fat, a double chin surgery with liposuction is the best choice.

Where can I find double chin removal near me?

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan performs double chin removal surgery for patients in the Portland, OR area at his practice, Après Plastic Surgery. If you would like to learn more about this procedure and find out if you’re a good candidate for surgery, call today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Aghayan.

How much fat can be removed with lipo?

Fat removal from the chin area is different than fat removal from other parts of the body. There are limits to how much fat can be taken out of the abdomen and elsewhere. But when it comes to chin liposuction, your surgeon will simply remove enough fat to make a noticeable difference in your profile — but not too much so that your results look uneven, distorted, or otherwise odd.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Double Chin Removal

>Double chins can be the source of much embarrassment and hardship for men and women.

When you’re ready to say goodbye to your double chin, give our office a call and schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Aric Aghayan. Dr. Aghayan would be happy to sit down with you to talk about your desired outcomes and look at chin liposuction before and after photos to help give you a better idea of what your results could be.

Excess fat beneath the chin can be an annoying problem for both men and women, but there’s a simple and highly effective solution in chin liposuction. Get rid of the fat that’s giving you the appearance of a double chin, and start looking and feeling your best. Call today to schedule your one-on-one consultation appointment with Dr. Aghayan.



Embrace Your Evolution

Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.

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